Pupil Premium 2017/18

The amount of Pupil Premium allocation for 2017/2018 is £29,920 for 31 pupils (£935 per student) the focus for the Pupil Premium cohort will be on further improving each young person’s communication skills through providing additional focused speech and language therapy input and enhanced creative curriculum opportunities. Provision mapping will clearly indicate the nature of the additional speech and language therapy input received and which aspects of the creative curriculum were made available to each young person in receipt of Pupil Premium eg pottery, art, dance, music, interactive poetry, drama…..

The impact of this specialist provision will be assessed qualitatively through speech and language therapy reports, video and photographic evidence and quantitatively through progress against each young person’s MAPP communication Learning Intention.

Student progress is monitored by St Ann’s Extended School Leadership Team and the Curriculum and Pupil Progress Committee of the Governing Body.