
Parent/Carer Consultation on changing the finish time of the school day from 3.15pm to 3pm

Dear Parents/Carers

During October 2020 we consulted with all parents/carers to obtain your views on introducing a new finish time to the St Ann’s school day of 3pm. The vast majority of those who responded were in agreement with the change as long as transport arrangements were not compromised. Due to the worsening situation with the Covid-19 pandemic during the Autumn and Winter months we did not progress these plans. However we now feel that it is appropriate to consult with families again so that if the majority of parents/carers remain in agreement we can introduce the new times for the school day from September 2021. The impact of these arrangements would subsequently be reviewed in June 2022.

The start time to the school day of 9am would remain the same. Students would receive the same amount of taught time as they do currently, as their lunch break would be reduced from one hour to forty five minutes.

We are proposing this change because 

  • We believe this is in the best interests of our students. Having a shorter lunch break will enhance learning opportunities for students in the middle of the day when they are less tired and more receptive.
  • This will better support the efficient operation of the school at lunch time and further enhance procedures to keep everyone safe.
  • It will enable the majority of students to return home slightly earlier, which may be beneficial to their well-being particularly during the Winter months and throughout the uncertain times of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic.

The Chair of Governors and I would be very interested in hearing your views on this proposal. Please complete and return the attached slip or email your comments to by Friday 11th June. We will collate all the responses that we receive and let you know the outcome of this consultation by Friday 18th June. Please contact the school office if you have any queries about this proposal and in the meantime every good wish for a very pleasant half term break.

Yours sincerely 

Gillian Carver
