Contact Us

St Ann’s School ​

Springfield Road, Hanwell W7 3JP ​
Phone: (020) 8567 6291
Fax: (020) 8840 4664

Enquiries: Alison Rosling

Headteacher: Timmy Holdsworth

Chair of the Governing Body: Arthur Batalona

SEN co-ordinator:  Timmy Holdsworth

Safeguarding Officer:  Timmy Holdsworth

Deputy Safeguarding Officers: Abid Ayoub, Slava Golhova, Agnieszka Purtak, Huda Habbooby

Finance: For any finance related queries, please contact our Finance Team using or 02085676291

Students’ Opening and Closing Times:

School starts each day at 9am

School finishes each day at 3:15pm

Please contact our admin team if you would like to receive paper copies of any documents found on our website.