Covid-19 vaccinations

Head Teacher:  Ms. Gillian Carver

Dear Parents/Carers                                                                               07.10.21

We have heard this afternoon that Northwest London NHS have agreed to carry out Covid-19 vaccinations for St Ann’s students at school next Tuesday (12.10.21)

We have sent you a SchoolComms with a link to a Google form so that you can inform school if you wish to take up this offer for your young person. It is important that you complete and return this form as soon as possible so that the correct number of vaccines can be ordered.

First vaccinations are offered to all students aged 12 plus and second vaccinations are offered to all students aged 16 plus who have previously had their first vaccine.

If you indicate that you want your young person to have the vaccine you will in a later question be asked to give your formal consent for this procedure.

Please note that parents/carers are not required to be present for the vaccination, as your young person will be supported during the procedure and carefully monitored afterwards, by school staff.

For your information we enclose a UK Health Security Agency leaflet on Covid vaccinations for young people with this letter.

Please contact the school office if you have any queries.

Kind regards

Gillian Carver
