As a Unicef Level 2 (Gold) Rights Respecting School, over time all students have some understanding of their personal rights and the rights of others eg the right to be ‘listened to’ and to make choices.
This is key to supporting the development of social skills. Initially some students may not be able to interact with anyone, then only with familiar staff, then with a wider range of staff, then in the same space as other students and then, possibly, with their peers. Wherever the young person is on this continuum, through staff modelling, focussed
teaching, stimulating learning opportunities and a wide range of contexts, all students are supported to make progress with their social skills so that they can become active participants in their own futures.
The teaching of social skills is embedded into everyday learning opportunities. Staff capitalise on all student led social interactions, and through innovative curriculum design and exciting contexts for learning, students are motivated to reach out, communicate and incrementally improve their social skills.