Greenford Hall vaccination session

Dear Parents/Carers

I am writing to inform you that St Ann’s will be closed to all students who are currently aged under 16 next Friday 16th July.

This is because NHS West and the Local Authority have been working together to plan a private Surge Vaccination session for St Ann’s Post 16 students and yesterday afternoon it was confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccination clinic at Greenford Hall would go ahead next Friday.

St Ann’s staff will need to assist in transporting students from school, to and from the clinic, and crucially to support each young person so that they are calm enough to have the Pzifer vaccination. All staff will be involved in this process and therefore it would not be safe to have other students in school.

During the Autumn term we remain hopeful that government authorisation will be given so that students aged 12 to 15 years can also be vaccinated. In which case on the day we would support these young people to be vaccinated and older students would be required to remain at home.

We are sorry that this necessitates students to miss another day of school in what has been a very difficult 18 months. However as you are aware vaccinations remain a national priority and we are very pleased that special arrangements are being made for St Ann’s students to be safely vaccinated in a way that hopefully minimises stress for everyone involved.

Parents/Carers of students aged 16 plus have already been sent a Google form to register their wishes. It is essential that this is completed by Monday morning at the latest. Please note that Post 16 students who have already been double vaccinated and those whose families do not wish to take up the offer of this vaccination, will also be required to remain at home on Friday 16th July.

Please contact school if you have any queries.

Yours sincerely

Gillian Carver
