Year 7 Catch Up

General Information

The Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium grant 2016 to 2017 is paid under Section 14 of the Education Act 2002. The allocations for the financial year 2016-2017 are based on a sum of up to £500 for each pupil on the following basis.

  • The young person was recorded on the October 2016 school census
  • The young person is a Year 7 pupil
  • The young person is aged 11 but in a different year group
  • The young person was recorded in the 2016 KS2 assessment data as not having achieved Level 4, 5 or 6 in reading or mathematics

Use of Year 7 Catch Up Premium Grant 2016-2017 at St Ann’s

All St Ann’s Year 7 students who transferred to St Ann’s in September 2016 from primary or all age special schools are eligible because they are functioning at very early developmental levels ie below Level 1 and generally within the P level range of P1 to P6.

St Ann’s Year 7 September intake 2016 consisted of 12 students who were placed in five different Informal and Semi-Formal Curriculum classes across three Phases (PMLD, ASD and SLD) to meet their highly complex needs.

The Year 7 Catch Up Premium Grant 2016-2017, totaling £5538 was used to support a high quality transition programme between St Ann’s and the three primary feeder schools. The transition programme consists of these elements

  • St Ann’s Phase leaders or members of the Senior Leadership Team attending Year 6 Annual Reviews at the feeder schools.
  • St Ann’s Phase leaders and teachers visiting the feeder school, meeting with staff, observing Year 6 pupils and researching their school records
  • Three two hour information coffee mornings at St Ann’s over the academic year for parents/carers of the prospective Year 6 pupils
  • Additional meetings with parents/carers and members of the multi-disciplinary team as necessary, to ensure that appropriate provision would be in place at St Ann’s to meet current Year 6 pupils’ complex feeding, postural management, physiotherapy, sensory integration, medical and behavioural needs, ready for their admission in September 2016.
  • A Summer term programme of visits (of incremental duration) to St Ann’s by Year 6 pupils. These visits facilitated pupils to become more familiar with St Ann’s staff, students, buildings and grounds and engage in fun, motivating learning activities.
  • The production of a transition booklet of photographs about St Ann’s for each young person that they could look at with their family over the summer holiday.
  • Additional staffing as appropriate during the Autumn term 2016 to help Year 7 students settle into their new class groups, reduce anxiety and achieve readiness for learning.
  • The Year 7 catch up Premium Grants of £5538 was used to buy in additional teacher and teaching assistants cover to facilitate all elements of the transition programme as described above. 

Impact of Year 7 Catch Up Premium Grant 2016-2017 at St Ann’s

The Year 7 Catch Up Premium Grant contributed to ensuring that all Year 7 students experienced a successful and positive transition to their secondary phase of education at St Ann’s. This is evidenced through

  • Year 7 attendance data 2016/2017
  • Feedback from parents/carers at Year 7 Annual Reviews June/July 2017 and Open Evenings October 2016 and July 2017
  • Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress (MAPP) data. Each student has five annual personalised Learning Intentions focussing on communication, language and literacy, cognition, problem solving and numeracy, Personal, Social and Health Education and independent living skills. These are assessed on a termly basis and progress is reported back to families at the end of each term.
  • Individual Year 7 Learning Journals.
  • Behaviour Support Database information.
  • Photo evidence, video evidence and verbal feedback from Year 7 student

Year 7 Catch Up Premium Grant 2017-2018

Ealing Local Authority will receive the Year 7 Catch Up Premium Grant from the DfE for the 2017/2018 academic year on 28.02.18 St Ann’s will then be advised as to the amount of the allocation for this academic year.