Let’s explore TaSSeLS & Canaan Barrie tactile signing systems.
TaSSeLs – What is body signing?
● A system of touch cues or adapted signs to help understanding, anticipation, and to alert the child that something is going to happen
● For children who have complex needs, often with visual impairment, and require additional sensory feedback to help their learning
● Includes a small number of basic, frequently used signs, and in addition the ‘alert’ sign, taken from Tassels (Tactile Signing for Sensory Learners)
● Body signs are done in two different ways, according to the needs of the child: hand under hand, or on body
● Hand under hand:
● Non controlling- child can withdraw their hands at any time
● ‘Mental activity is considered to be more likely to occur when the child is actively involved….than when the child is passive’ (Exner & Henderson, 1995)
● Promotes the learners fullest participation and interaction
● Encourages shared attention than passivity