Dear Colleagues
Following feedback from staff teams we would like to invite all TA’s to a Zoom meeting on Monday 15.06.20 from 3-4pm. Virtual attendance is entirely optional but the meeting provides everyone with an opportunity to receive an update and ask any questions on school provision or school matters generally.
Teachers are very welcome to join the meeting as well but they have continued to attend weekly curriculum Zoom meetings throughout the Lockdown and are probably zoomed out!
Please note the following joining instructions and e-safety information below:
Please look at the staff portal of the website for further information if you need help using zoom.
Please note the sign in below and wait to be admitted to the meeting at 3pm next Monday.
Meeting ID: 926 1360 6095
Password: 8cdg6T
After signing in next Monday at 3pm, please wait to be admitted to the meeting by the meeting administrator (Timmy)
Please remember that it is extremely important that you do not share the meeting ID or password with anybody outside the current St Ann’s staff team. It would be a breach of GDPR and possibly a disciplinary matter if you did so.
The Zoom meeting will be recorded so that we can monitor the small risk of any unwanted entries. To further ensure that the meeting remains secure we will be locking entry, ten minutes after the designated start time of 3pm.
In his role as the meeting administrator, Timmy will be making sure that we only have current employees attending this meeting.
Thank you
Gillian and Timmy
If you are not familiar with Zoom, you can read or watch here a quick guide for beginners
How to download Zoom
During the meeting, for security reasons, it is very important that you identify yourself, either by turning on the camera or naming your account.