School Nurse
St Ann’s school nurse and two full time health care assistants offer specialised medical support and advice.. A consultant psychiatrist holds a termly clinic for parents and students in school.
020 8579 5958
Speech Language Therapist
Our school Speech and Language Therapist, Sarah and 2 SLT assistants work alongside students, teaching staff and families to provide ongoing assessment, advice and training regarding finding the best ways to support and develop our students’ verbal and non verbal communication and understanding and increase communication opportunities throughout their daily activities.
They also support students with their eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties and needs ( dysphagia). Sarah Nicholls
020 8579 9621
Interactive Poet
Philip uses names, words and improvised rhymes and rhythms and sounds to enrich listening and imagination. Finding joy in playful sounding encourages students to communicate and share, expressing themselves naturally to feel the magical support and warmth of friends, carers and teachers.